Here we go, first official post. I put this off for a long time because of fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of failure. Then I thought to myself “when have I ever let that stop me from anything.” So here I am, overcoming. Oh, don’t think that because I am forging on with this blog, doesn’t mean I’m not fearful of failure, I am but I will survive. I am fearful of public shaming, there are mean people in this world and regardless of how nice or helpful I try to be, someone will try to tear me down. Try they might, I am a strong person and I will persevere. Persevere… something that everyone can do, everyone can overcome struggles, downfalls, misfortune and hard times. These things in life that everyone encounters at some point though may be at different levels, some more intense or severe than others, you can persevere. How does one do that, well simply put, you just push forward and do it. We can’t dwell on the past and the negative, shit happens right? Fix your damn ponytail and pony up. The only thing that holds us back from moving onward and upward is only ourselves, we create our own roadblocks so be your own bulldozer and push through that b.s.

What are your fears? Did you skip out on a new years resolution because of fear of failure? Are you holding back on a career move because of fear of the unknown? Are you not working on your health or weight loss goals because of fear of how hard it will be? Everyone of us is guilty of one of these or something similar, I know it and if you are sitting there right now saying “no, I’m not afraid of anything” than you are either lying to yourself or you are the most badass person on this Earth. Even Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates and Oprah have fears, or had them at one point but look where they are today.

Yeah, yeah I know… this was suppose to be a blog about health and fitness. It will be, I promise. I’ll be here talking about diets (I loath that word), exercise, health and fitness and whatever else you all want to hear me ramble on about (hehe). But one of the most important aspects of health and fitness is mental health and we cant be in the best mental space if we are living in fear or not living for that matter because of the fear we cannot overcome. So, my challenge to you for this month (what’s left of it anyway) is to find one (yes, just one… no need to stress ourselves out) of those fears that are holding you back. Now write down that fear, don’t put in your phone, go find a piece of paper and pen and write that shit down the old school way. After you write it down I want you to reflect on that fear over the next couple of days then you are going to start writing down (yeah I know me and that damn pen and paper) what you are scared of. What is it about that “fear of” thing you wrote down that scares you, what is holding you back? Once you have all of that, start listing all of the pros of overcoming that fear. What benefits will that perseverance bring you, your life, your family? Got it? Now start listing ways you achieve and overcome this thing you fear, who can you talk to for help/assistance? Eventually you will start to see that these things are actually very achievable.

This is what I did, every step. I started all of this blog stuff eight months ago then let it sit because I was afraid of the cruel things people may say to me. I was afraid that nobody would read my blog, I was afraid that I had no idea how to create a blog or a website for that matter. But the truth is, after I wrote all down all of the things I was afraid of starting this journey, the one thing that I wrote down on my ‘pros’ list was “helping people”. That was all I needed to see, I mean I am a nurse after all, it’s in my blood. So if I help just one person, I have won. Actually, I have already won, I helped myself. I OVERCAME MY FEAR!